2014년 1월 23일 목요일

Week3: Object oriented programming

So far in this course, we have been exploring object oriented programming in Python. Object oriented programming, unlike procedural programming; it focuses on creation of an object and its data and functionality. Class will be a method to show object oriented programming.

Week 1 of CSC148, we looked at class turtle and class point to come to a closer understanding to object oriented programming. I found it challenging to turn a question into a program. However, through multiple examples over the weeks, I gradually started to come to understanding. Even though it is hard to say I am comfortable with it; however, more practice, I think I will gradually become comfortable solving problem for object oriented programming. The first tutorial was challenging because I found the instruction not clear and detailed enough. It only showed the functionality of the program and my partner and I were confused on where to start. I personally think that tutorial should be more of an exercise of the methods we learn in class. The first tutorial felt like assignment I received in previous course, CSC108. 

The second week we learned the common ADTs such as lists, stacks, and dictionary. Week 2 and 3, we explored through class Stack. I felt a little bit lost during this week; however, I felt like it got cleared up during the second lab. I found the second lab really helpful, as I found it a chance to master class Stack. The second lab was much easier compared to the first lab. My partner and I had excellent brainstorming to solve problems and I found the challenge enjoyable. 

This is the first slog entry and I am still inexperienced. It will be great if you can leave a feedback!